Cultivating Buddha Mind

Monday, November 07, 2011

Namkhai Norbu

Back in September, I had the great pleasure of attending Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's teachings in Paris, even if I could only be away from my family for one out of the three days. I had been waiting for these teachings with a degree of excitement that had me check my desire and attachment, for the subject matter of the entire event was of supreme interest to me. Not only was Namkhai Norbu teaching on Dzogchen practice and bestowing transmissions, but there were concurrent demonstrations of vajra dance, an encyclopedic exposition of the Dzogchen system, and yantra yoga classes.

All of these were excellent. I was not able to glean the profound techniques of the vajra dance, but it was lovely to watch for the brief period I could, and I understand that it requires a clear meditation practice that flows with the movement. Yantra yoga has interested me for some time, so it was with great joy that I attended Zhenya Rud's class on that subject. It was an introductory level practicum, since attendees were small in number and therefore placed together. Zhenya focused on breathing techniques, which differ from those of the Indian yogic traditions (e.g., Hatha yoga), and the opening of the chest, something most all of us can use, especially if we hold jobs or occupations which require us to continually or repeatedly close up the fronts of our bodies.

I was delighted to find out partway through the day that Philippe Cornu would be giving a seminar on the topic of Dzogchen. For those who don't know him, Cornu is a French Buddhologist, president of the Université Bouddhique Européenne, and the author of the definitive French language dictionary of Buddhist terms along with a dozen or so other major works. His presentation was lively, intelligent and incredibly informative (if a little highbrow), a wonderful exposition of his obviously vast knowledge of all things Buddhist. The attendant discussion that took place among the two dozen or so of us was stimulating, and although it needed tempering by Cornu to remain within the realm of what could be rationally discussed within the two allotted hours, it breathed life into my Buddhist study, which has tended to be a little lonely since I moved to France.

Most amazing of all were the teachings of Namkhai Norbu himself. Here is a teacher with a stage presence worthy of a king; a deep, seemingly bottomless well of diamond-like wisdom; and a gentle kind of glow that emanates from his warm smile, blessing even the most nonchalant of interlocutors. Since I don't know how better to put the experience of his teachings into words, I invite you to take it in yourself via webcast over the next few days, by visiting at the times listed below.


11-17 November 2011 - TENERIFE RETREAT:

      Ati Yoga retreat of Rigdzin jangchub Dorje’s terma  "Nyangyud Khorva Dongtruk”  (Tib. Snyan-rgyud ‘khor-ba dong-sprug).

Tenerife Spain- GMT (+0) - OPEN WEBCAST

  • 11th Nov.5-7pm.            Teaching start.        
  • 12th Nov.10-12am.         Teaching of transmission of Guru Yoga.
  • 13th Nov.10-12am.         After Guru Yoga altogether, teaching of “Nyangyud Khorva Dongtruk”.
  • 14th Nov.10-12am.         After Guru Yoga altogether, teaching of “Nyangyud Khorva Dongtruk”.
  • 15th Nov.10-12am.         After Guru Yoga altogether, teaching of “Nyangyud Khorva Dongtruk”.
  • 16th Nov.10-12am.         After Guru Yoga altogether, teaching of “Nyangyud Khorva Dongtruk”.              4-7pm.                  Gana Puja and so on.
  • 17th Nov.10-12am.         Giving some advice for daily practices and some tridlungs.  We finish our retreat with Ati Guru Yoga practice altogether.

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